Public Notice to Bredgar residents from Bredgar Parish Council
Bredgar Parish Council
In response to the concerns of residents, Bredgar Parish Council have produced a plan for reduced speed limits through the village. The plan includes the following changes:
A new 20MPH limit on Gore Road, starting near the Bush Close junction.
The Primrose Lane 40MPH limit (at Policemans Corner) reduced to 30MPH.
The Primrose Lane 30MPH limit (near the M2 bridge) reduced to 20MPH.
A new 40MPH limit on Swanton Street just south of The Warren.
The Swanton Street 40MPH limit (beyond Blind Mary’s Lane) reduced to 30MPH.
The Swanton Street 30MPH limit (near Westfield Dairies) reduced to 20MPH.
The Bexon Lane 30MPH limit reduced to 20MPH.
A new 30MPH limit on Bexon Lane at the start of housing by Collards.
A map for the propose changes can be found here.
KCC responsibilities for promoting Healthier Living and strategies for accident reductions mean that 20MPH schemes are now considered favourably. Our plan has been discussed with Kent Highways who agreed to its submission for design review, official approval and implementation in 2018. The first step will be a road speed survey to confirm that we can make the speed limit changes without installing any additional traffic calming measures.
The implementation cost for the signage changes, without new calming measures, is expected to be in the order of £7500. Funding at that level is achievable from grant applications, topped up from Parish Council reserves. Our KCC councillor Andrew Bowles is supporting the plan and has indicated that he will approve an application for KCC grant funding.
Our aim in reducing the speed limits through the village is to lower the average speed of motorists, improving safety for everyone and reducing the risk of serious injury. We realise that some motorists already ignore the 30MPH limit and will likely do the same for the 20MPH limit. But we hope that most drivers will lower their speed. We will continue to operate a village Speedwatch and press for Kent Police to monitor speeds, as these do influence driver behaviour and encourage greater adherence to speed limits.
This is a significant expenditure for Bredgar Parish Council and we want to be sure that it has the support of parishioners. Please let us know your views about our plan, because evidence of strong community support will improve our case for obtaining grants and implementing the change.
Ways to communicate your views:
Complete a feedback form available in the Post Office / Farm Shop and post it in the box provided.
Post a letter to our Clerk Teresa Hudson or hand it to her in the Post Office.
Send an email to [email protected]
Submit a message from the contact page on our website
Speak to your Parish Councillors (contact details are on our website).
Make sure your communication includes your name, address and tells us whether you support or oppose the plan.
Contact Information
Brian Clarke
- 07753332229
Find Bredgar Parish Council
Bredgar Parish Council Friendly Cottage, Primrose Lane, Bredgar, Bredgar, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 8EB